...So what happens when these common over the counter acne products are ineffective? Usually, a trip to the dermatologist is in order but sometimes this comes with a number of caveats a well. For example, some prescription acne medicines come with a number of side effects. Anti-acne cortisone shot can make a person incredibly drowsy for days. Then, there is the HIGHLY controversial prescription Accutane which seeks to close the pores so acne does not return. This drug requires weekly blood tests to monitor the liver due to the potential for liver damage. Yes, the drug is that dangerous! Now is it clear why there is such a demand for natural acne treatments?...»
Read More: how-remove-acne.blogspot.com
«...For deeper scars, deeper solutions are necessary. Again, several options exist. Deeper scars can be surgically excised with the larger acne scar replaced with a surgically placed small line. This can later be refined with other rejuvenation techniques. Punch grafting affords a simple method for treating multiple scars. A circular punch is used to create an incision around an acne scar. The scar is then allowed to heal and the resulting skin irregularity is smoothed. Subcision involved releasing the tethering attachments underneath the scar and then filling the space with either a temporary or permanent filler to prevent the scar from reforming when it heals. With the advent of new temporary artificial fillers such as hyaluronic acid, this is a good option for larger depressed scars....»
Full Text: acne-types.blogspot.com
tags: dead sea salt acne skin care, natural remedies for reducing redness of acne, home remedy for acne scarring